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DevOps Team Structure and Best Practice

Anna Boyko
DevOps Team Structure and Best Practice

DevOps practices come and go as they are put to a test against real-life scenarios. Some prove to be viable, others just don’t bring the results we expect. In this post, we’ll take a closer look at the most popular and effective DevOps team structure best practices, so that you can better understand what’s working or not. 

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DevOps Structure 1: DevOps Inside the Organization

DevOps Structure: Inside the Organization Romexsoft


Best suited for: small to mid-sized organizations with a dedicated IT department
Efficiency: Medium

This is the most common DevOp structure for SMBs. It assumes putting one or several DevOps support engineers in charge of all the operations and deployment processes. The main drawback here is a possible decrease in software quality during the implementation of new changes. This often leads to additional re-work from developers.

DevOps Organization Structure 2: Dev and Ops Collaboration

DevOps Structure: Dev and Ops Collaboration Romexsoft

Best suited for: organizations with a strong tech core
Efficiency: High


DevOps Structure 3: Dev and Ops Together – the Best Team Structure for IT DevOps

Structure for IT DevOps Romexsoft

Best suited for: organizations with one digital product
Efficiency: High


Read More: https://www.romexsoft.com/blog/devops-team-structure-best-practice/

Anna Boyko
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