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Full Body Checkup

neetu rajput
Full Body Checkup

Indocare Pathology Labs are India’s complete health Management company and provides highest quality preventive health care packages to you at the comfort of your home. We provides health home with our door to door health care service concept where samples are collected from your home at your designated time and tested at our own ABAS certified lab.View More:- Full Body Checkup..!!!

Each kidney at birth is composed of approx one million functional units called nephrons, these beings far more than what are needed by the body. As a part of the natural degenerative processes, there is a gradual loss in the number of nephrons after the age of 30years.View More:- Kidney Function Test in Delhi...!!!

It is a metabolic disorder by high glucose level due to a decreased ability or complete inability of the tissues to utilize carbohydrates, accompanied by changes in the metabolism of fat, protein, water and electrolytes. The hormone insulin, produced by the beta cells of the Islets of langerhans of pancreas.View More:- Diabetes Profile Test in South Delhi.....!!!

Thyroid disorders are conditions that affect the thyroid gland, a butterfly-shaped gland in the front of the neck. The thyroid has important roles to regulate numerous metabolic processes throughout the body.View More:- Thyroid Profile Test in South Delhi.....!!!

Vitamin D is also called as Fat Soluble Vitamin. Vitamin D is now considered more a pro- hormone than a Vitamin.It promotes the absorption as well as deposition of calcium and phosphorus in our bones.View More:- Vitamin D3 Test in South Delhi...!!!!!

neetu rajput
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