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eCommerce Homepage Best Practice for Conversion

James Keith
eCommerce Homepage Best Practice for Conversion

This blog post was updated on 20/07/2016 with links to the latest industry examples, statistics, and studies. Give it a read for fresh insights into tips on winning more conversions on your homepage.

The homepage of an eCommerce Website is a lot like a prime-time television slot. Every product is vying to be there, but only the very best gets the slot. It can be thought of as the storefront for your website. This is where you allure, mesmerize, convince, coax, or seduce the visitor down the funnel. What are those key elements which can help you in differentiating your eCommerce store from others?

Your answer can be the products and their price, right?
The consumers these days value the experience above the products and their prices displayed in your store. They are ready to pay more if their overall shopping experience is awesome in your store. As per the latest statistics, 95% of the visitors agreed that a good user experience is everything that really matters.

Significance of eCommerce Homepage Design

A Homepage is a place that helps in establishing the first impression of your store. If the Homepage is not appealing enough, your visitors might not even visit your product pages. This would increase the bounce rate of your store and obviously, no products sold.
Thus, eCommerce Homepage design plays a major role in enhancing user experience. Good user experience results to increase in sales.

James Keith
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