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Diesel Exhaust Fluid Market is anticipated to grow exponentially in near future

Geeta Desai
Diesel Exhaust Fluid Market is anticipated to grow exponentially in near future

Diesel exhaust fluid is an solution produced by using urea and deionized water. It is a fluid used in the treatment of harmful nitrogen oxide (NOX) emissions from diesel motor, through a selective catalyst (SCR) process to decompose nitric oxide into Nitrogen and Water.

EF vaporizes and decomposes in the exhaust pipe into ammonia and carbon dioxide which reacts to a catalyst of selective catalyst reduction (SCR) in the vehicle with oxygen and harmful nitrogen oxides. As a result, nitrogen, water vapor and carbon dioxide are produced.DEF is directly related to the temperature at which the DEF is stored and is therefore used to maintain its quality with special storage tanks composed of polyethylene or stainless steel.

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The LCV segment is estimated to be the largest segment, by volume as well as value, of the diesel exhaust fluid market. Asia-Oceania is estimated to be the largest diesel exhaust fluid OE market due to the increasing vehicle production in countries such as China and India.

Read More @ https://www.marketwatch.com/press-release/diesel-exhaust-fluid-market-analysis-size-application-analysis-regional-outlook-competitive-strategies-and-segment-forecasts-2019-to-2025-2019-12-05

Geeta Desai
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