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What is a VPN and why everyone is talking about it lately?

Petros Giorgos
What is a VPN and why everyone is talking about it lately?

A simple translation of the Virtual private Network is not enough, so we will explain it in a simpler way.

A Virtual Private Network, for short VPN, is a service that allows your computer to connect to the Internet via a VPN server.

The connection between your computer and the VPN server is usually encrypted and, in fact, it seems that the server is surfing the Internet and not you.

It is quite possible that you have used VPN during your student life, as most educational institutions offer VPN services to their students. In this way, for example, a student can access services that are available exclusively through the foundation's network, such as using library subscriptions to access electronic journals and articles-because of the VPN.

Technically, the student uses the foundation's network even from his home. Nowadays, of course, VPN has become popular not so much for the use we described just as for the greater security and flexibility it offers to users.

What are the advantages?

The most important advantage of using a VPN service is privacy. In practice, using VPN, you hide your online activity from your Internet provider, government, and anyone else who might want to spy on you.

All they can see is the connection to the VPN server and nothing more because the data exchanged by your computer to the VPN server is encrypted. You will continue to surf the Internet normally, only as an IP address in the websites you visit will not show your normal, but the IP of the VPN server.

If you are in Greece and the VPN server in the United Kingdom, for the world of the Internet will be like you are in the UK.

You can buy VPN with bitcoin or any other cryptocurrency for maximum safety and anonymity. This list from bitnewsbot.com has the top VPN companies who accept bitcoin. https://bitnewsbot.com/buy-vpn-bitcoin-top-10/

Also, read more on VPN from this Wikipedia page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virtual_private_network

Photo by Tom Roberts on Unsplash

Petros Giorgos
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