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To all beer freaks out there: Check out these 7 homemade Beer Brands you “Must Try”

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To all beer freaks out there: Check out these 7 homemade Beer Brands you “Must Try”

7 homemade Beer Brands you “Must Try”: When I asked this question from a few colleagues of mine, the answers I received were either Tuborg, Corona, Budweiser, Carlsberg or Heineken. I couldn’t find anyone experimenting with home breweries and giving ordinary brands a try.

If you have kept yourself updated with the latest events in the country, the Delhi authorities have banned the largest beer makers Anheuser-Busch InBev (AB InBev). Unfortunately, this ban is valid for 3 long years that include in Delhi but that’s not restricted to Budweiser, Corona, Stella, and others. Also, it unquestionably isn’t the foremost ban we have witnessed in the country. So I take this opportunity to give you some perfect homegrown, locally processed beer brands.


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