Starting your own blog or website is probably one of the most beautiful and profitable hobbies you can get – not only in terms of money but also many other reasons. Beyond that, though, many bloggers give up after some time for a very simple reason.
Unfortunately, it's reality.
If you don't make money from your website, I'm telling you, with mathematical precision, you're going to give up.
Handling a website isn't the easiest thing in the world. You don't need a lot of money to start, but you need too much time to manage it. The management of the website and the writing of articles will "eat" too many hours from your day.
If you don't find ways to make money from it, then you won't be able to justify the energy and hours you'll be consuming on it, so you start neglecting it and in the end shut ting it down.
In this article I suggest 3 ways to start making money from your website or blog, which if you apply correctly, you will be able to deal full-time with it.
Apart from these 3 methods below, there are a lot more methods to make money online. ClixsenseSuccess - a website that tries to list all the available methods to make money online - is a great source to consult.
1) Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate marketing is one of the most popular ways to start making money from your blog.
But what is affiliate marketing and how can you apply it directly to your website? For this matter, I had previously mentioned an article addressed to owners of online stores about how they can increase their sales.
Various websites on the internet have this thing called a "partner program". With little reason, for every sale that's made on their website and made because of you, you get a commission.
Your next question should be... how do you drive sales to these websites?
The answer is simple.
You write articles around a category (such as gaming) and in your articles, you suggest related products.
A gamer, for example, is very interested in finding out what is the best gaming mice under €50. All you have to do is take the time, look for the products and add them to a well-written article. Each link to the product page will be an affiliate link that you provide from the website that sells the products.
2) Sale of advertising space
You can host advertising sites at different points on your blog using just an ad management plugin.
One of the best ad management plugins is advanced ads. It is simple and easy to use. He has all the features a new blogger needs to start selling ads on his website/blog.
For example, it allows you to place ads with great ease under the articles, above the articles, in the middle of articles, in the sidebar, to place ads with shortcode, it has a setting for automatic downloading of advertising when the pre-agreed time and more. What's important... It's FREE.
After you install the ad management plugin on your website, what remains to be done is to find businesses that are relevant to your domain to advertise their services or products near you.
You can spend 1 – 2 hours a day looking for companies that offer related products and services with your website and contact them in order to convince them to advertise near you.
I also suggest that you create a page and call it "Advertising" or something relevant, where inside you will have your traffic details, charges, the spaces that interested parties can advertise, etc.
Of course, it's a good thing to start counting the visitors to your website using Google Analytics so you can prove your traffic. Also, make sure you produce enough interesting content to "pull" visitors to your website.
3) Google Adsense
A very popular way to fund your blog is via Google Adsense. Actually, Google makes most of its money from ads. Small and large businesses from around the world are advertised on Google. Google enables you, through Google Adsense, to view customer ads on your website.
Google analyzes the content of each page and "serves" your visitors' relevant ads. Whenever one of the visitors to your website clicks on an ad, then you get paid.
Well, these are the ten ways I suggest you start funding your blog or website immediately. Try to choose one or two methods just at first so you don't burn your mind.
When you start seeing results, then expand to the other methods.
If you have any other method to add or something else to suggest, then the comments are waiting for you. Also, if you found this article useful, then I'd appreciate it if you shared it with your friends.
It's like saying thank you.