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High Standard Vitamin and Nutraceutical manufacturer

VITA-gen Labs
High Standard Vitamin and Nutraceutical manufacturer

VITA-gen Labs is one of the fastest-growing labs focused on manufacturing and marketing of pharmaceutical formulations in the state. We are well known for following the good manufacturing practices and are a priority of professionals. Vitamins and Nutraceuticals are highly in demand due to their benefits such as healing wounds, shoring up bones, bolstering the immune system. They also help in obesity and cardiovascular diseases. Our premiere Vitamin and Nutraceutical manufacturing services has helped grow many companies and produce quality supplements for their brand.

As a Vitamin and Nutraceutical manufacturer, we are bind to provide excellent client service and aim to become a global leader in the manufacturing of nutrients.



Supplement Manufacturers

Contact us:VITA-gen LABS

Nutraceutical Contract Manufacturers

Address: 145 Route 109 West Babylon NY 11704

Contact No: 855-616-5500

Website: https://www.vitagenlabs.com





VITA-gen Labs
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