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Top 5 Emerging ERP Trends that will transform the future of pharma industry

rashmi deshpande
Top 5 Emerging ERP Trends that will transform the future of pharma industry

ERP software is flexible enough to adapt to ever-changing business needs and tech innovations such as AI, machine learning, cloud, and more. And today, we can see an upgraded version of ERP for pharmaceutical industry than what was available 20 or 30 years ago.

The first few years were dedicated to moving the whole solution to the cloud-based system. However, there are some emerging trends too that are currently floating in the field. 

The digital revolution has always had an impeccable effect on technology. ERP system is one such innovation impacting digital transformation. 

Although pharma ERP solution has been less expensive over the years, it is still an expensive investment that will affect most of the parts of your organization including human resource, manufacturing, accounting, marketing, and more. 

So, if you want to continuous rule the market, here are few emerging trends that you can’t miss out:

  1. Two-Tier ERP systems: 

Earlier, corporations used to deploy a single ERP system that handled back-office operations of all their offices. As a result, it leads to costly failures as the systems could not be used for fulfilling other departments. 

Today many multinational corporations are deploying a two-tier ERP system as with the help of it, corporations can access various offices in different parts of the world.

In a two-tier system, the first tier is termed as a legacy application that is used to handle the operations at the corporate level while the second ERP system is used by its subsidiaries. Second-tier is used to customize and optimize the regional operations which suit their specific niches and would be connected to the first tier. 

  1. Increased adoption in SMEs and SMBs:

 Earlier ERP was mainly operated in large industries, however with the rising demand for ERP, it’s increased affordability, and accessibility, ERP systems have become popular in SMBs as well. 

Today, mostly SMBs are keen to adopt ERP systems, as the businesses are emerging, ready to expand and make judicious IT investments. 

  1. AI-Enabled ERP:

 ERP trends are one of the most significant trends in 2020. Customer centricity is the focal point while considering AI with ERP as it tends to offer more personalization to the customers. Earlier, organizations had to install some add-ons related to AI. On the contrary, in 2020, AI would be integrated with ERP that will be ready to handle massive data and company records. 

  1. Functionality, Personalization, and Easy to use: 

An ERP system that has customer-friendly UI, if personalized, is more likely to be the preferred choice in spite of numerous vendors in the market. A simple UI will also make companies train their employees using the software. 

Furthermore, in the upcoming years, pharmaceutical ERP software will be coming with more powerful applications that are feature-rich and can be used without technical assistance. 

  1. Real-time insights: 

Most of the ERP systems are ready to transform. They will enable the system to generate reports from the captured data and offer real-time responses. 

ERP trends will transform the business world: 

Technology keeps on changing and within the fastest-growing world, 2020 is going to witness a brand new ERP trend that will completely transform the way companies can conduct their business. Probiz ERP always keeps an eye fixed on upcoming trends in ERP and provides our users with versatile, intelligent, and flexible applications. 


To request a demo or to know more about Probiz ERP, please visit https://www.probizerp.com


rashmi deshpande
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