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Purpose and Role of DevOps in Custom Software Development

Sourabh Nagar
Purpose and Role of DevOps in Custom Software Development

Do you have any system of checks ensuring all the coding and testing principles are followed to the core? 

As important as this question is, equally important is seeking answers for it. If your answer to this question is a No then remember your custom software development project is at stake. 

In the yesteryears, traditional methods of solutions witnessed several communication problems. The conflicts and lack of coordination between the internal departments were apparent and due to this, the work quality suffered. But in these times it is not enough to stick to ancient solutions. Organizations have to do a reality check by hauling the entire ecosystem, engaging in code rewriting, generating a better system of unit testing and zero duplicity of code. All this restructuring will lead to a better system of checks and balances to encounter market volatility. Considering the dynamicity of the market, custom software development projects have to be turned in rapidly. 

The gap in strategizing will cause internal conflicts and essentially the bridge has to be filled with a full-blown strategy called DevOps.

Let us understand the concept deeper.

What is DevOps?

As is apparent, DevOps is a combination of two very important principles namely Development and Operations. DevOps is a process that streamlines development and operation processes and ensures they share a symbiotic relationship ensuring the custom software development process is a smooth one. 

In the traditional methods, there were 2 silos namely the developers and the operation professionals. The operations team was involved in the project only after its creation that was done by the development team. But DevOps concentrates on the involvement of everyone as a whole right from source control, deployment release and infrastructure management to unit testing and integration. 

The complete embracing of DevOps is yet a distant dream but they are slowly inching towards practices related to DevOps. Statista stated that DevOps adoption has increased and registered an increase of 7% between 2017 and 2018. An estimation made by IDC also stated that the DevOps software market will grow from $2.9 billion to $6.6 billion from 2017 to 2022. 

DevOps and Custom Software development - conjoint partners

Custom software development talks about addressing specific needs and DevOps is the best fit because it takes into consideration all the internal departments that are crucial for the custom software development process. DevOps is the process that looks at streamlining the different phases of project development by automating it resulting in an enriched quality of software. It targets optimizing all the processes involved in the software lifecycle development. Automation also has helped in the reduction of errors and also enhanced the system of error detection. It also integrates the communication between different stakeholders of the project namely the coders, engineers, testers and even the clients. DevOps comes with the feature of immediate rectification of errors which can be fixed as and when they are detected. This helps in saving expenses and also optimizes time for a better testing process. 

The responsiveness to the stakeholder feedback also increases which will positively impact all the layers of the project. 

Continuous Delivery in DevOps

One of the most important processes in DevOps is the concept of incremental builds. Imagine when you deliver small bits of projects, test it and then rectify it. DevOps believes in delivering projects in small bits to ensure that the hidden costs are reduced and errors are rectified in the nascent stages of the project. There can be many reasons for this namely avoidance of bad commits, proper code deployment, taking the sluggish workflow into a brisker mode and better query handling. 

For an error-free custom software development project, DevOps sure is the right strategy. Here teams can work together and learn from their peers to deliver better standards throughout the life of the project. 

Purpose and Role of DevOps in Custom Software Development

In the custom software development process, DevOps saves valuable time without pledging the quality of work. It is important in DevOps to fix goals and targets because, with it, the workflow direction is better. It also helps the project to run smoothly and helps the team to work in a collaborative manner. All the crucial operations of the project coordinate and factor in all the dynamic changes in the custom software development process. The benefits are huge with DevOps and its implementation also is a 6 thronged process. Let us also explore them.

  1. Faster delivery: The concept of continuous delivery ensures timely and faster delivery of the project. It also presents reduced chances of errors because of early detection.
  2. Scale: It seamlessly handles all the aspects of the project. It runs the entire infrastructure giving it an identity and better management even if the scale of the project is large. 
  3. Speed: With faster delivery and reduced errors it will result in happier clients and better turnouts in the future. 
  4. Dependable: Since the output quality is good, the software development company will experience a better quality output and the dependability factor also increases because the client is getting what it demanded. 
  5. Security: With the unique configuration practices followed and with tight protocols followed, security glitches are very rare. 
  6. collaboration: The best part about DevOps is better coordination between Developers and the operations department. The communication process is better leading to a reduced chance of complexities in the custom software development project. 

DevOps is not just dependable but also a prime strategy for all software development companies. In times of bitter competition, one mistake can endanger your prospects of acquiring clients and projects. With DevOps, this issue can be dealt with as the project is delivered in smaller bits. The involvement of all stakeholders is extremely active ensuring snags are rooted out from the word Go.

Sourabh Nagar
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