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What Does a Healthy Body Look Like?

Hadriel Sam
What Does a Healthy Body Look Like?

At first glance this seems a bit superficial and   even vain.   Shapeshifter Yoga Review    But if you dig a little deeper you'll see that the look of your body is probably your best indicator of your health as well. After all we really only have two ways of telling if something is wrong with our bodies:

a) It feels wrong - something hurts or we feel 'sick'

b) It looks wrong - a rash, bump, scratch, swelling, a joint or bone out of place, or too much fat! The point is that we only have these two pieces of information to go on to tell if there is something wrong with our bodies. Once we've seen or felt that there is a problem we can go to a doctor and get even more information that is not possible to see or feel.






Hadriel Sam
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