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Type 2 Diabetes and Exercise - Why Not Begin Exercising in Stages?

Jessy Meshak
Type 2 Diabetes and Exercise - Why Not Begin Exercising in Stages?

I'm going to go on a limb and Million Dollar Exercise Review bet you hear the same resolutions your neck of the woods. Read this article to the end, and you'll know what you need to do to not have the same resolution next year. As far as getting six-pack abs, people seem to think the only way to get there is to do tons of crunches. Then do some more.

That's a myth. You don't get six-pack abs (or keep them if you've already gotten them, for that matter) if you only do abs exercises. Besides, the abs exercise of choice is the traditional crunch - not the most effective way to workout your abs. To best understand what's involved in getting six-pack abs, how the abs exercises you do or will soon do work, a very brief overview of your abdominal area.

It's made up of 4 muscles. The one that gives you the 6-packs abs look is the abdominis rectus. Then you have the transverse abdominis. This one's right behind the one that makes your abs look great. You use it for sucking in your belly. If it's toned, you look narrower. On the sides of your abdominal area you have the internal and the external obliques (one on each side), with the internal obliques lying below the external.

You need to exercise all those muscles if you're to have the great abs you desire. Some abs exercises are best for one or another of these muscles. Which means that, for best results, you can't do just one type of exercise. The best exercises for the abdominis rectus are: bicycle maneuver, leg raises on a power tower (captain's chair), crunches on an exercise ball, vertical leg crunches and Torso Track exercises (in that order, according to a study by the American Council on Exercise.


Jessy Meshak
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