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Wanna Lose Your Weight? Try Broccoli and Coffee Diet

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Wanna Lose Your Weight? Try Broccoli and Coffee Diet

Best Diet to Lose Weight: Broccoli protects one from heart disease, cancer and promotes weight loss. We are also aware that coffee is something that people drink daily and that is why, adding the powder to coffee makes complete sense. But if one can’t just add this powder to the coffee, and then can simply add this to smoothies, fruits, oats or salads.Making broccoli coffee is simple. Dry the broccoli and grind into a fine powder. This powder is now ready to be added into the coffee to get all the health benefits of broccoli. One serving of vegetable is equal to two tablespoons of broccoli powder. This is also a great way to eat those green vegetables which we don’t really enjoy eating.

Read more: latest health and fitness tips

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