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5 Reasons Why Your AC Won't Turn On

Julia G
5 Reasons Why Your AC Won't Turn On

Here are 5 reasons why your AC won't turn on, making you feel like you live in a sauna. 

1 - The unit is unplugged 

An easily actional check you can do without calling for a professional residential air conditioning servicing 

2 - There is a lot of build-up in your coils and filters.

This you can fix on your own - filter should be cleaned every 6 six months to make sure the dust is managed properly and no build-up or mould appears

3 - Your thermostat isn't working

Why would explain why your ac won't kick in. This one might require a professional to have a look at.

4 - There is ice forming inside the unit

When you don't clean your AC and dust starts to build up, a blockage will be created inside the unit, leading to ice forming inside the unit. 

To solve this, turn off your AC so it breathes and the ice melts, then clean the filters to get rid of the build-up that created the problem in the first place!

5 - Tripped circuit breakers and blown fuses 

Check your fuses aren't blown. If you realise they aren't, then call a technician that will be able to check your ac and get it back to working. 


Julia G
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