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4 HR Trends to watch in 2020

pratibha sharma
4 HR Trends to watch in 2020

Today’s workforce is more varied, dynamic and fluid than ever before. Looking ahead into 2020 we will see a large shift in how HR policies reflect their changing workforce with the unique skills and disparate requirements they ever bear to the table.

Here we discuss top four trends for HR teams and leaders in 2020 :

Soft Skills Will Be Emphasized Over Digital Ones :

Research expresses that the considerable skill gaps in an increasingly automated business environment are behavioral and not technical. Years of telling workers to correct their digital skills have created a vacuum of sympathetic managers and caring colleagues. More than 45% of chief HR officers say college graduates entering the workforce previously have the digital skills they require. And over the next year and beyond, companies will be looking to address the growing gaps in soft skills like influencing, negotiating and creative problem-solving that is important when fostering greater collaboration between teams.

Training for managers will start to target not on what they do, but how they do it. Are they preparing a culture that helps employees feel supported in their work and invested in its outcomes? Do they daily communicate with their staff about their expectations and give actionable feedback on performance? It is managers’ acquisition of these skills, and their subsequent capability to look frequently at employee performance, that will make them truly effective leaders…and help them to develop the next generation of corporate leadership. 

Read More : Human Resource is now people management. Do you have the skills?

Employees Will Take Ownership of Their Performance Management Process :


When it comes to expanding their skills and careers, today’s employees expect and demand more from their employers than ever before. Feedback once a year simply is not enough for younger workers who will expand push for more frequent and more comprehensive feedback on their performance because they view their employment as an investment in their individual future—and you should see it the same style.

Engaged employees are high-performing employees, so HR will require to help companies create a culture of corporate performance that inspires employees to take ownership of their work and meet clear, mutually agreed upon targets that can be reviewed and measured daily. And rather than the general top-down approach, HR will also have to help companies learn to be receptive to feedback from their employees, who may have strong thoughts on why their targets are being met. Recruiting, hiring, and training staff is costly and time-consuming, so making future-focused changes like these in your performance management approach can essential impact whether and how long employees stay at an organization.

HR Will take Up to the Most Diverse Workforce in History :


Diversity drives innovation, and next year’s workforce will be very varied indeed. Diversity of age is an asset to an organization, not a hindrance. While many companies are vying to capture younger customers and employees, there is a lot to be said for bringing older employees on board. But age is not the only element of diversity that HR will require to embrace in 2020. We are also looking at an expanding racially diverse workforce, one with more visibility for LGBTQ people, and in which college-educated women will continue to enter the workforce in larger numbers than their male companion.

I see the thing that will require the biggest shift in collective culture and HR policy is a diversification of location and schedule. In 2020, you will see more and more workers who wish to have the option to work remotely or on a flexible schedule at least part-time. This is something that is good overall for employee morale and productivity but challenging in more established corporate environments.

If you want to learn more about HR Trends to watch in 2020 then HR Training in Chandigarh is the best place for you.








pratibha sharma
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