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Suspect the Corona Increases, the exchange Rate of the Rupiah Weakened to 14.255 per U.S. Dollar

Berita Terkini
Suspect the Corona Increases, the exchange Rate of the Rupiah Weakened to 14.255 per U.S. Dollar

the Value of the rupiah against the dollar United States (U.S.) moved lower in trading today. The weakening of the exchange rate this morning is influenced by the number of cases of corona virus that are increasingly massive in the world, including in the homeland. 

In trading Monday (9/3), the rupiah opened lower 0.08 percent to a level of Usd 14.255 per U.S. dollar. Not only dollars, the majority of Asian currencies was observed depressed this morning.

according to Bloomberg, the Singapore dollar fell 0.28 percent and the Taiwan dollar of 0.11%, South Korean won 0.9 percent, Indian rupee 0.63 percent, the Malaysian ringgit 0.83 percent, and the Thai baht to 0.08%

this Article has been published in Katadata.co.id with the title "Suspect Corona Increases, the exchange Rate of the Rupiah Weakened to 14.255 per U.S. Dollar" , https://katadata.co.id/berita/2020/03/09/suspek-corona-bertambah-kurs-rupiah-melemah-ke-14255-per-dolar-as
Author: Agatha Olivia Victoria
Editor: Ekarina

Berita Terkini
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