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School Admission for the Academic 2020-2021 in Dubai

Sophy Thomas
School Admission for the Academic 2020-2021 in Dubai

All Schools have unique criteria for admission in primary and secondary schools in Dubai. If you seek for the best schools in Dubai, first gather the information of issue of application, nowaday it made online, parents find easy to apply in online, know the seats availablity, prepare for the necessary documents to be produced at the time of addmission. If your child is in secondary level of education dont forget to attach the certificates of extra curricular activites, since this may help the teaching staff to judge your kids talent and provoke in the same.

Admission process in Schools:
1. Age criteria : As of July academic year
For Pre KG - 3-4 years
2. Documents required:
Birth certificate
Emirates ID Copy
Visa copy of child and parent
Vaccination Copy
3. Terms and Condition:
All Admissions are subject to approval by the Ministry of Education
4. Entrance test portion
Contact the school authority, as they provide the exact syllabus

Sophy Thomas
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