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Richest Empire in the world

theexorbitant theexorbitant
Richest Empire in the world

ost of the time, the world was governed by empires by powerful people or nations. There were power shifts seen from one person to the other and likewise. However, to be considered among the powerhouses, money played an important role. It helped in making them strong and powerful establishing a powerful and wealthy empire in the world. Let’s check the list of World Richest Empire so far as under:

British Empire – $918.7 billion

Needless to say that the richest empire in the world so far was none other than British people after all they were the one who looted India when its GDP was 28 and brought the wealthiest stuff to their country. They ruled in more than 23 percent of the world and the common wealth countries like Africa, the Americas, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Asia, Antarctica, and Africa. The Queen Victoria was among the richest in the world to be the leader of the British people. It is estimated to have around 918.7 million USD.

theexorbitant theexorbitant
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