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Instagram Will Be More Similar To Pinterest, How Can That Be?

Bocah Unik
Instagram Will Be More Similar To Pinterest, How Can That Be?

Instagram back rumored cheat features Pinterest. Two years ago, Instagram released a feature "Save" that its mechanism is similar with the features of the "Collection" on Pinterest.

the User can create a moodboard of content-content that is preferred. The difference is, "Save" is private, while the "Collection" is public.

Well, according to the findings of Tech Crunch, there are indications of Instagram will add an option to open the "Save" in public. That is, this feature will be completely the same with the "Collection" on Pinterest. 

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Based on the leaked code of the application Instagram for Android, the option to publish the "Save" in Instagram will be named after the "Make Collection Public". The user simply sliding the toggle that option to the right to enable it.

There is a description of the "Change Cover" at the bottom of the photo, indicating that the user can replace the photo of the cover of the collection.
also Read: Turn Pinterest Copied Instagram.

Response Instagram.

as Reported KompasTekno from Tech Crunch, Monday (25/2/2019) Instagram admitted to not being testing this feature. The same answer with the features of the previous, which is caught in the APK file before it was released officially to the public.

If this feature really will be released, presumably it took a long time for Instagram to accomplish it. Master Instagram, Facebook has also been annexed features a similar "Collection" Pinterest can be shared.

not Yet known how Instagram will maximize the features of the collection of this public. So, Instgram will be imposed the same way as the feature Collection on Facebook.

Tech Crunch a Save Feature similar to ftur Collection on Pinterest but set to private

There is also a possibility that Instagram will allow users to follow each other collections, as users can follow the hashtag at this time.

this will open up new opportunities for influencers as the curator of the collection rather than the creators of the works themselves. In addition to the features collection of the public, the code in Android is also revealed other features that are being developed.
One picture-in-picture in IGTV, which allows the user watching the video of the IGTV while operating the phone, without having to stop the video though out of the application Instagram.

If you later features a Collection of publicly released, then it will be a new strategy for the businesses that utilize Instagram for promotion. They can display a catalog of their products, ranging from new product or products most in demand for example.

the CEO of Facebook, mark Zuckerberg did say it will launch many new products in Instagram to enhance the experience of paltform. Currently, Instagram has had a number of features to support the businesses, one of which is the timeline of"Shopping" in the explore personalized.

Src: Tekno.Kompas.com

Bocah Unik
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