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How to Fix 0x800704ec Windows Defender Error?

Edward Lewis
How to Fix 0x800704ec Windows Defender Error?

Windows Defender is the in-built antivirus and is fairly competent at its job. However, there are times when the tool might flash an error on your screen. Error 0x800704ec is one such error, and if you are encountering it too, then we will help you out. So, here are the instructions to solve the error.

Turn off the Windows Defender Services

In case you intend to turn off the Windows Defender services, then you can opt to follow the below-mentioned guidelines.

  • Hold the Win + R keys at the same time on your system to launch the Run section.
  • After that, input ‘service.msc’ into it and hit the Enter key.
  • You should browse for the services for Windows Defender in the list of Services to look whether they are working.
  • Go to the services that have an empty space into the column of Status.
  • You have to the right click on them and choose the Start option.
  • Now, restart the system.

Turn off and Uninstall Third-Party Antivirus Program

This is not unusual for third-party antivirus utility to interrupt with Windows Defender, more often than not even stopping it from opening. So, simply launch the list of installed programs section under Control panel and uninstall them.

Change the Group Policy

If the users are trying to change the group policy, then they should carefully apply the given steps.

  • Hold the Win + R keys at the same time on your system to launch the Run section.
  • Thereafter, input the ‘gpedit.msc’ and hit the Enter key to launch the Group Policy Editor.
  • Go to the folder of ‘Administrative Templates’ and twice click on it, beneath the Computer Configuration.
  • You should click on the Windows Components option.
  • Navigate to the ‘Windows Defender Antivirus’ and locate the ‘Turn off Windows Defender Antivirus’ on the right-hand side of the screen.
  • Reach the ‘Turn off Windows Defender Antivirus’ and twice click on it.
  • Now, click on the ‘Not Configured’ option and select the Apply and OK buttons.

Change Certain Registries

In case you intend to change certain registries, then you can opt to follow the below-mentioned guidelines.

  • Press the Win + R keys at the same time on your system to launch the Run section.
  • After that, insert the ‘Regedit’ and hit the Enter key to launch the Registry Editor.
  • Navigate to the pursuing address and remove the ‘msseces.exe’ entry from both of them: ‘Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows Defender.’
  • You should locate the ‘REG-SZ’ on the right-hand side of the screen and twice click on it to adjust the value to 0.
  • Now, restart the system.


The blog represents the resolution of the Error 0x800704ec. It is suggested to be aware while reading the article because the process is a bit intricate and lengthy. We hope that you will find this article useful and will accomplish your purpose through it.

Edward Lewis is a creative person who has been writing blogs and articles about cyber security. He writes about the latest updates regarding central.bitdefender.com and how it can improve the work experience of users. His articles have been published in many popular e-magazines, blogs and websites.

Source : How to Fix 0x800704ec Windows Defender Error

Edward Lewis
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