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Destiny 2 Rat King: How to Get Rat King Exotic

Abigail Smith
Destiny 2 Rat King: How to Get Rat King Exotic
Destiny 2 is a first-person shooter role-playing action game created and distributed by Bungie (till 2019 the distributor of the game was Activation.)
The game has a new weapon named Rat King Exotic, but getting this weapon is not that easy. As the name suggests, this weapon is just terrific in action, and the design of the weapon is breathtaking. This sidearm got a lot of attraction by the players at the starting of the year due to the performance and somewhat to its look. It doesn’t need any tips and tricks to harm the enemy all you have to do is aim and shoot. It adds the health to regeneration after its kill-invisibility. This combination makes the weapon deadly and healthy at the same time. These advantages can be seen even without the fireteam scaling. After this, this sidearm will no longer stay on the side of the arm.
If you are a devoted player of this game, then you should have this piece of weaponry. If you didn’t have this weapon and you wish to add this on your arsenal, then this article can help you.
To get this weapon, you have to complete some tasks, and those are as follows:
  • Complete a Titan’s quest Enemy of My Enemy
  • Solve all four puzzles by the Rat King alongside the partner of Fire-team.
  • After these two steps, you will be eligible to take the Prize (Rat King Exotic)
When you have the weapon on your arsenal, you can set it as your permanent weapon, and you can use this weapon to kill the enemy very easily if they are at short range.
Quest Enemy of my Enemy.
With the Sloane you can unlock the quest Enemy of my Enemy from the Titan. Once, it opens, you have to go on to obtain Rat King. At starting, you have to go through the same mundane activities. During these activities, you have to find a control centre, methane reactor and its console, cycle terminals, and find enemies of your character near the reactor. After the collection of the items and handling the enemies, you will able to take control of the area easily.
Then a special kind of relic will present itself into your arsenal; this will appear in the kinetic weapon section.
First Riddle of Rat King
Before you go charging to solve the riddle by yourself, you should know that you need a member who belongs to fireteam as a guardian. You can choose one or more members for solving the riddle. These other players should have unlocked the quest-line too; otherwise, they can’t accompany you for the riddle mission.
Once you collaborated by them, you will hear the question Errand We Walk? It is regarding the Patrols (if you want to be more precise, they are three in number). Negotiation will be easy if you are with the Patrols; it mainly contains the attacking and eliminating action. If you are with the fireteam, then it will be much easier for you.
Second Riddle of Rat King
If you are playing the game for a sufficient amount of time, then you will have many cheerful and exciting public events such as “Rally the Flag” (which may be familiar to you).
To solve this riddle, you have to go to two specific events, about them you can know after solving the first riddle.
Here you will face the Crew of Rat King, who can be low in number. To defeat them, you and the fireteam member should work as a team. Make sure while combating you should not harm each other and the flag once you get the flag rally it outside. This rally may signify that you and your team will “Live forever.”
Third Riddle
This riddle is named “Goes Four and Four?” If you are thinking about “Crucible,” then you are right. Here you will know the importance of team even you like to venture alone. The team is going to help you a lot. Keep this in your mind that your main objective is not to crush the enemies completely, it is to solve the puzzle.
Here you will have the crew of the Rat King. Not like other stages, the crew is hard to kill, and you will be going to need assistance here. For that, you have to stand together against the crew and solve the puzzle.
Forth Riddle of Rat King
It is named “I’ll Level with You.” Action and process get a bit trickier than usual in this one. You have to unlock the Nightfall Strikes, proven by the statement “They see Night’s Fall.” After that, you can go to solving this riddle. As you can know, by playing the game that you can’t just find a unique item without any difficulty. The game holds a twist in here, you have to perform the strike, but you have to do it in five minutes.
As usual, you have to face the crew, in the dominating number with three of each guardian. Still, you have to be brave and get the task done in a fixed five minute.
When you are at this riddle, then you will notice that if you are going to do some elemental damage to the enemy, it will be much more effective. When you are using some elemental weapon, then the damage done will sky-rocket and give you some extra time to spare. So, keep an eye on the bottom left gaming screen where these elemental weapons can show up.
After that much of challenging and dangerous news its time for the desert, which is with every kill, you can add the extra time ranging from 2 to 7 seconds. Here, you have to choose you to want to prudent or fight these strategies will keep changing as per the target in front of you.
If you can defeat the final boss, then you can have the extraordinary weapon in your arsenal.
Abigail Smith , an employee currently living in USA and working at a top printer service provider company in the day, and a technical writer at night. I am passionate about writing troubleshooting tips, beginner’s guides, news and other articles on varied topics like brother printer support, HP Printer Support, Canon Printer Support, webroot.com/safe etc.
Abigail Smith
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