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How to Fix Computer Not Turning On (Easy Fixes)

John Track
How to Fix Computer Not Turning On (Easy Fixes)

If you play the role-playing action game The Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt, then you have the opportunity to come across the new feature called Cross-Save. This feature allows players to save the game progress and will enable them to share (transfer) the progress between the two systems, the PC and the Nintendo Switch. It is the way sharing functions from PC to Nintendo and vice-versa.

If you wish to use this feature, then you have to follow these simple steps:

Source- https://nortonnorton.uk/the-witcher-3-how-to-transfer-save-data-from-pc-to-nintendo-switch/

Transferring Game Progress and Data between the PC and Nintendo Switch

Firstly, you should have your game login in both of the devices (Nintendo Switch and PC). Along with that, you have some progress on both of the devices (there is no specificity regarding the minimum progress to share the saved data; still, there is a condition that there should be some progress the prologue can also do). You are transferring the data, so you have to make sure that the cloud services are open either Stream or GOG will do the work.

Form PC to Nintendo Switch

  • Go to the Main Menu of the Nintendo Switch, and open the Cloud Saves.
  • Choose between GOG and Stream (whichever is enabled).
  • Now choose GOTY Edition (if you have selected the GOG), or Standard Edition (if you have selected the Stream).
  • Now you have to enter the credentials of your gaming account when it is asked. You have to log in the account for the selected cloud service.
  • Now, click on the button Load Game.
  • You will see the many saved file which stored here as you completed the tasks in the game, choose the latest saved file, to go to the last completed task location in the game.

Following these simple steps will allow you to play the game from the last successful mission on from the PC. When you are done playing the game in Nintendo, you should save the progress to the Cloud so that you don’t have to play the same level in the PC. To save development from the Nintendo Switch, you have to follow these steps:

  • Pause or End the game.
  • Select the option Upload Save.
  • Now select the location where you want to save the gaming file in the Cloud.
  • After selecting the location, hit the OK button.

When you perform these simple steps, you will be able to save the progress on the cloud service. Now, whenever you want to start the game in PC, log in to the Cloud, go to the saved file location and launch that file. You will be able to start playing the game from where you have left the game in the Nintendo Switch.

By following these simple steps, you will be able to play the game in both the gaming platforms (the PC and Nintendo Switch). Now you can enjoy the game on both gaming platforms whenever you want.

Ellen Cooper  is a technology enthusiast who loves writing about new advancements and IT threats on a regular basis. Her work focuses on the latest advancements in the realm of technology, social media, and cyber security at norton.com/setup.

John Track
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