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How ti hide IP address using VPN? (VPN is safe or not?)

Lectures Club
How ti hide IP address using VPN? (VPN is safe or not?)
  • How to hide your ip address?
  • how to hide my ip address?
  • how to hide ip address for free?
  • how to hide ip address from my ISP?
And there are hundreds of such terms people ask from google each day. Actually they want to hide their identity from government, surveillance agencies or from their ISP internet service provider.
The technical people really mean it but non technical people just want to hide their ip address to excess some content over the internet which is banned in their country.
And they get only one solution to it: use VPN. Vpn is a virtual private network. So they download vpn on their mobile phones or pcs without knowing the potential risks to their data and privacy are also coming with vpn service.
In this video I will cover the following questions
  1. What is an IP address?
  2. How to hide IP address?
  3. What is VPN?
  4. VPN is secure or unsecure?
Lectures Club
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