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Best Call Recording Apps

Tech Sparkle
Best Call Recording Apps

Why do you need a Best call recording apps? Some smartphones now have a built-in call recorder – BUT the majority of them still do not have such a feature. This is for Android! iPhones, on the other hand, is almost an impossible case. Apple doesn’t allow third-party apps to access the microphone and integrated phone app directly. So, you cannot record a voice call on a single tap. While you can download a call recording apps for iPhone, there are some caveats that you must know beforehand.


Note, the reason why recording voice calls is still a complex process is that, per several laws, it’s illegal to do. You cannot record a call without the consent of the other person. For example, the laws in California prevents it; it requires all the party involved know that the call is being recorded and that they must provide their consent. Similarly, there are states and countries where you don’t need another person’s accord. So, it’s essential that before you download and use any call recording app, be sure that you’re complying with the local law. Else you might end up in legal troubles.

Source: TechSparkle

Tech Sparkle
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