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Change Router Password Using myrouter local sign Address

Myrouter Local

To change the password of your router using myrouter.local sign address you need to follow the following steps:

Step 1: Make sure that the router for which you want to change the password should be ON and connected with the dedicated computer system from where you can manage the myrouter.local address and go for the settings.

Step 2: Check whether the LED corresponding to the Ethernet connection with the computer system is ON. After making this step sure, open the web address.

Step 3: After opening the web browser simply fill the address myrouterlocal in the address bar, press ENTER.

Step 4: After filling the address myrouterlocal or myrouter local in the address bar, it will ask for the login details that are the user name and the password.

Step 5: After the successful login you will be landed on the myrouter local sign setup page. From here you have to choose the Administrator option.

Step 6: Select the Management section.

Step 7: You will view the Password option. Now enter the password you want to change. Then, click on the Save Settings button.

All these are steps you need to follow to use the myrouter.local address to change the default password for the Linksys router.

 If you are feeling the difficulties while accessing the myrouter.local or myrouter local address you are always welcomed to contact our team members.

Myrouter Local
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