Meetup is a community-building network. More than seven million people have created and joined local Meetup Groups. Members share common interests and hobbies.
You can use meetups to help you create an almost limitless supply of high-quality, targeted leads for your MLM home business. meetups near me In fact, when done correctly, you'll never run out of warm market leads. Meetup leads will become part of your warm market so you are continually expanding your sphere of influence.
You see, your friends, colleagues, and family may be fantastic people, but they're not always interested in the things that you're most passionate about.
It's wise to connect with other people who share your enthusiasm for network marketing, or work from home opportunities.
The Internet simply isn't a substitute for meeting real people, in the real world. Sharing the joy and pain of starting a business over coffee with someone who knows what you are experiencing is priceless. In fact, face-to-face is where amazing things can happen. Meetup.com is about using the web to get together offline.
You can join a currently operating meetup group or start your own. Network marketing is a people business. It's driven by the relationships we develop. That's what meetup.com is about also. Networking makes us all stronger.
Here's why meetups can be very effective:
- They are 100% duplicable.
- They require no internet marketing knowledge.
- They can create success for anyone.
Here's how it worked for me and my son.
Elliot has always been interested in matters of personal and spiritual growth. He's a member of a meetup called "Inquisitive Minds", and he's the organizer of the "Eckhart Tolle Meetup Group" which now has over 100 members and has received glowing reviews.
I turned to meetups because of my renewed interest in health, fitness, and weight loss. I wanted to learn more about the benefits of a raw food diet, and I am a member of several raw food, paleo diet, and vegan meetups. I've attended a variety of meetups as I refine my diet options and select a program that works for me - all while interacting with people who have lived these lifestyles years.
I plan to do the same thing with my MLM business opportunity. I'll use keywords like: network marketing, home based business ideas, work at home, etc. to find like-minded people and groups.
Chicago Startups and Entrepreneurs Group
Here's how can you get started:
- Sign up for an account. The process is similar to that at Twitter or Facebook
- Create a profile
- Upload your photo (just as you would with any social networking site.)
- You can connect your meetup account to Twitter, Tumbler, Facebook, LinkedIn
- Select your topics of interest
- Enter your zip code or city
- Get a list of meetups nearby
- Sort by best match, distance, most members or newest group
- Select the distance you are willing to travel to for group meetings
- Search upcoming meetups
- Sample the available topics
- Look at profiles of group members
- Check out past meetups and reviews
- Check out the leadership team
- Check out related meetups
I always check to see how active a group is or see if they have upcoming meetups before I join. Meeting with real people makes a huge difference. It's all about building community and relationships. It's a simple, but effective way you can stay laser-focused on building your own network and growing your business while having lots of fun along the way.
Get FREE laser-targeted leads for your business - using Meetups. Top earner shows you an MLM system that works with virtually any kind of home based business. He gives you detailed tactics you can implement today to get unlimited free MLM leads
Visit For More Information: https://www.meetup.com/Chicago-Startups-and-Entrepreneurs-Group/