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Online Vastu Course

Astro Shiksha
Online Vastu Course

Vastu Shastra is a Sanskrit word that translates into the "Science of Architecture". Many ancient Sanskrit texts are available which provides us with knowledge about the science of the Online Vastu Course. This amazing Vedic science of Architecture helps in promoting harmony and prosperity to the people living in a particular house by enhancing positive energies and reducing the negative energies in the house.

Why do you need the knowledge of Vastu for your daily life? We all spend about 12 to 14 hours in our house on a daily basis, hence it is advised that we are bombarded with positive energies all this time. These positive energies promote a healthy mental state which blossoms into happiness, good health, and prosperity. So, to find these positive energies in your house you need to understand the knowledge of Vastu.

On the quantum level, the Universe is a vibrational entity and everything contained in it also a form of vibration. Many scientific facts prove to us the presence of natural frequency in all the objects. Therefore, we can say that all living and non-living things including a piece of construction has some kind of vibrational energy. And it is now quite clear to you that a human body is always under the influence of some kind of energy round the clock. These energies can be either positive or negative in nature. Positive energy has a calming effect on you, the negative energies, on the other hand, cause dreadful effects.

Following topics will be covered in Vastu Course at Astro Shiksha:

  • Introduction to Vedic Vastu and its origin.
  • Introduction of the five elements.
  • Introduction to the ten directions.
  • Plot Facing and Slope of land.
  • Map designing as per Vastu.
  • tank, staircase and more.
  • Height of the House.
  • The relation between panchmahabhoot.
  • Shalyadosh and how to detect it.
  • Extension of land. Cut of land.
  • Alternative directions.
  • Commercial Vastu in detail.
  • Remedies for bad Vastu.
  • Color symbolism.
  • Understanding of Maps.
Astro Shiksha
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