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Self-Motivation in Self-Isolation

bettercare market
Self-Motivation in Self-Isolation

The presence of the virus is not only a physical threat, but it is also triggering mental health issues like anxiety, in many people. Everyone is currently self-isolating and that, too, can trigger a negative state of mind. Here’s how to stay sane and motivated throughout these challenging times. 

We’re living through challenging times. The pandemic has brought many issues to light, affecting the economy in ways that may take a while to recover. This actual virus is different from others, it poses a particular hazard to our elderly citizens as well as those with compromised immune systems and chronic conditions. We have a few tips that hopefully will assist you to stay self-motivated.



Keep exercising

Maintain an exercise routine. You don’t have to work up a big sweat as you would at the gym, just aim to get your body moving. The reason exercise works? It forces your body to get into a state of ‘taking action’. This can counter the effects of over-thinking, which sometimes leads to depression and hopelessness.

It also helps to keep a routine. Your mind feels safe within the parameters of a routine. Predictability and rhythm are important, the sense of structure prevents the days from rolling endlessly into one another. We have a very convenient fitness bundle for at home with a yoga mat, a shoulder pulley that you attach on your door for upper body exercises, a pedal exerciser for the lower body, a set of dumbbells to strengthen your arms and a Health and Activity Tracker watch. For just $175.00



Take your vitamins: Vitamin C reduces the stress

Ascorbic acid (or vitamin C) plays a number of vital roles in the body. It boosts the immune system, protects against heart disease and offers powerful anti-oxidant benefits. The body can’t create or store vitamin C, which is why a supplement is so important. During times of heightened stress and worry, the body’s vitamin C requirements are higher and taking added vitamin C can actually help your body to cope better with the stress.

Our special Vitamin C  is a fine powder that you just combine with water, juice or shake. It has a refreshing citrus taste.



Take time to keep up with friends and family

Respect the need for isolation but create virtual meetups online, and make this part of your senior care plan for the loved ones you can’t visit. There are a number of platforms that offer free video calling, like Skype and Zoom. Zoom is one of the most effective, especially if you are chatting with an older person who might not be tech-savvy. It only requires you to send a link to the recipients, they don’t have to download any software or install any complex systems.

Remember to check up on family and friends who may feel extra isolated, like the elderly persons who previously enjoyed visitors. This challenging time means we have to redefine senior care.



Learn something new

All of those unfinished projects, like that photo album, the scrapbook, or the journal you started? Now is the time to entrench yourself and finish what you had started. There are also many online portals that offer free courses, DIY guides, and virtual lessons. Upskill yourself during this time so that you can emerge more capable at the end of this. If everyone managed to upskill themselves, it can help the economy which will need every hand on deck once we come out the other side.




We realise it is frustrating staying indoors and remaining confined. For many people, this time is painful because home is not necessarily a happy place. The most important thing to remember is kindness towards yourself. You don’t have to do more than you feel you can. Don’t give in to outside pressure but also don’t allow inactivity to get into your head and stir up depression. Stay positive and motivated! As with everything in life, this shall pass too. Hopefully sooner than later.

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