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How Artificial Intelligence, Data Science And Technology Are Being Used To Fight The Coronavirus Pandemic?

vignesh waran
How Artificial Intelligence, Data Science And Technology Are Being Used To Fight The Coronavirus Pandemic?

The novel coronavirus from its origination in China has spread and affected more than 800,000 people all over the world in the span of 3 months from January 2020. Moreover, the disease has taken the lives of almost 40,000 people as of 31st March.

Maintaining so much data, which is ever-increasing is not possible without the help of technology. AI or artificial intelligence is adept at analyzing patterns from big data. China’s success with artificial intelligence as the crisis management tool shows its utility and justifies all the financial investment this technology has used to evolve over the years.

Advancement in the AI application like speech recognition, data analytics, natural language processing (NLP), deep learning, machine learning, and others like facial recognition and chatbots have been used for diagnosis as well as for vaccine development and contract tracing.

Spurred by the gains of China in this area, other countries are also sharing their expertise to expand the current capability of AI and make sure AI can emulate its role in aiding China in dealing with coronavirus pandemic. The list mentioned below will be throwing light on how AI has been applied to solve the pandemic.

To know More Visit - How Artificial Intelligence, Data Science And Technology Are Being Used To Fight The Coronavirus Pandemic?

vignesh waran
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