If you are still unaware of internet cookies, then this guide will be helpful for you. You will come to know every key thing about the internet or web browser cookies.
The text above is a summary, you can read the full article here.

People who like to be more secure online use incognito mode which is also known as private browsing mode.Incognito mode is an online privacy setting popular for its safe browsing.
When you browse through incognito mode, none of your browsing histories are recorded.Moreover, it is also considered as one of the most secure browser settings since it hides all your online activities from other users of the same system.The text above is a summary, you can read full article here.

But the day when Mac user gets the message Your startup disk is almost full it hits very hard.
When users forget this junk, redundant data takes up most space on Mac and sooner or later Your Startup Disk is Almost Full message appears.
Using its One Click Cleaning feature you can clean system and user cache files, system and user log files, redundant parts of applications, the unneeded language of localized applications and more.
One Click Cleaning: This feature of TuneUpMyMac makes the process of performing multiple cleaning easy and saves time.
Duplicate Finder: Duplicates occupy unnecessary space and are one of the reasons for the message Mac startup disk full.
Internet Privacy: Secure your Mac by cleaning cache and cookies stored on your Safari, Firefox, and Google Chrome.

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