Anydesk is the most popular remote desktop connectivity tool. It is available for all platforms like Windows, MAC, linux based systems and even for mobiledevices.

Android Studio is a popular development software used especially for developing android applications.
It is developed by Google and available for various platforms like Windows, Linux and macOS.
In this article, We will see about how to install Android studio on Ubuntu 20.04. https://www.krizna.com/ubuntu/install-android-studio-ubuntu-20-04/

When you try to set up the Linux server, you will need the File Transfer Protocol (FTP) server so that you can gain access to the FTP.
Installing an FTP server on Ubuntu is easy, but you need to configure it with vsftpd, and here is how to do it: Install vsftpdYour system might already have vsftpd and to check its availability, open the terminal window, and insert the following command:“sudo apt list –installed”Somewhere near the bottom of the list, you’ll find vsftpd.
If not, then install it using the following command:“sudo apt install vsftpd”Start configuring vsftpd after installation, but first, make a copy of the original config file.
Create an FTP UserFor this procedure, you will need an FTP user account to use any FTP client for accessing the files hosted on the server using the vsftpd.
To get access via port 20, use the following command:“sudo ufw allow 20/tcp”If your system distros use an alternative, then check the documentation properly to open the ports.
Use the following command to edit:“sudo nano /etc/vsftpd.conf”Then, find ‘write_enabled’ and uncomment the entry.

At this critical time, when we’re staying home to combat COVID –19, remote desktop software free download for Windows 10 is a wise decision.
A remote desktop software enables us to access our computer remotely from anywhere, and therefore, it has made our IT works easier than ever.Read full post here