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Who viewed your LinkedIn Profile? Get to know here

Abigail Smith
Who viewed your LinkedIn Profile? Get to know here
Unlike Facebook and Instagram that add much-needed fun to your life, LinkedIn has a professional approach to make your careers better for you. Life cannot be merely dependent on the entertainment factor, and that’s where LinkedIn jumps in. Not one, but many have got their dream jobs, thanks to the fantastic platform. It has connected millions of eager job seekers to job givers. Perhaps the makers wanted to use the tremendous powers of digital connectivity to make the lives of struggling men and women productive and meaningful. No wonder LinkedIn has the most sincere approach and gets the highest respect in the professional front.

After creating the perfect profile of your skills and expertise on the platform, it may be tempting to know which companies have an eye for the same skill-sets as yours. Waiting for responses can be tiring and demotivating. Thus, what employment seekers ask for is a trick through which they could know their prospective job givers. Step up your game of job seeking by getting to know people who might be interested in your profile. Read on.

Is it really possible?

LinkedIn offers some special features that surely help in job-seeking. However, all these special features aren’t free of cost and must be paid for. There is a  feature that allows you to know as to who is keeping an eye on your profile. Yet, this too asks for payments. Ultimately, the dark clouds have a silver lining, that is free of cost. Even if you use the free services, you can still get to know not all but at least the last five employers who viewed your profile. This way, you may not have many choices, but at least you will get to know the kind of companies that get interesting in your job profile. And who knows you may find your dream job among those five?

The steps are easy-peasy. Just a few selections here and there will help you get the names.
  1. Open your LinkedIn profile.
  2. Click on your profile picture. Now, choose the “settings” option. Next, tap on the “Privacy” option.
  3. Go for the “How others see your LinkedIn activity.” This is where all the game starts.
  4. Tap on the “profile viewing option.”
  5. Next, go to show your name and headline. With the last step, your changes get saved automatically. Just cross your fingers now.

For every time you want to know the names of the people who checked your recent activity and complete profile, click on the notifications. The names will automatically flash on your screen. However, there is a twist here. You will be able to get the benefits of this trick only for the viewers who have the same privacy settings as yours.

Super tricks for better job-searching

Even if you have a superb platform like LinkedIn to help you, you will have to do some hard work. Creating a profile on the platform is not enough. You need to maintain it in the best possible ways to get those creamy job profiles in your inboxes. Not many know the fact that you need to pay extra attention to your profile after you create them. No worries. Some good tips always work, no matter for what job field the candidate is seeking. Read on for the golden tips.

  • Golden Tip 1: Updating your profile is mandatory

Many seekers get way-too relaxed after creating their profile. However, creating a good profile is just a baby step towards the journey of job seeking. It would be best if you put in the extra effort of keeping your profile up-to-date. Add your recent accomplishments, flaunt about the skills you learned last summer, and change your contact details if they need to be. Your latest work experience will be the first thing to notice for many employers, so do add that. Moreover, an up-to-date profile is considered as a sign of the seriousness and dedication of the candidate in the job seeking. WIN-WIN.

  • Golden Tip 2: Make a separate career document and use it

A document where you keep all your work records mentioned can be handy while updating your profile. Add the most relevant and recent job experiences in your profile. If you have a poor work history in any company, then don’t mention it. If you got a PPO from your last internship, it’s an excellent platform to flaunt it.

  • Golden Tip 3: Your skills must shine

Grades may help you get a higher education, but it is your skill set that enables you to get the right salary package. Make sure you list all the skills you have, but only the relevant ones. If you are looking for a content writing job, then flaunting about your writing and communication skills can be the perfect combination.

  • Golden Tip 4: Show your availability

Tell the world that you are ready and keen to start working. It is important to let employers know that you too are looking for them, the way they are looking for the best candidate.

  • Golden Tip 5: Get in touch

LinkedIn is a social media platform. Make use of social connectivity. Connect to people, build a strong professional network, and look for more and more names in your field of work. Remember the quote, company matters.

  • Golden Tip 6: Advertise. Advertise. Advertise.

You need to start considering yourself as a fancy product. Now, advertise about the product in the most effective manner possible.

The Final Words

Job seeking can be tough. Only a few rejections are enough to bring down your morale. With the increasing social expectations and standards, it has become challenging for young job seekers to cope with the pressure. There are so many talented people in the market, but sadly, not all get their dream job letters. Thus, platforms like LinkedIn can help ease the process and connect the best seekers with the best providers. Learning the art of presenting your job profile impressively is the need of the hour. The better the job profile, the more the chances of sitting in an interview increases.
Happy job seeking!

Abigail Smith is an inventive person who has been doing intensive research in particular topics and writing blogs and articles on Blog-antivirus and many other related topics. He is a very knowledgeable person with lots of experience.
Abigail Smith
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