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How to Fix Slow File Explorer on Windows 10

Abigail Smith
How to Fix Slow File Explorer on Windows 10
File Explorer is an in-built management application on Windows 10. And one of the most used apps on Windows 10 daily. File Explorer is a great application to access folders and files that are stored on your Windows 10 operating system. However, at times the File Explorer becomes slow. If you are facing the same issue, then read on and find the solutions.

In this article we have mentioned seven possible solutions to fix slow File Explorer on Windows 10.
  • Disable Cortana
  • Checking Quick Access List
  • Change Folder Optimization
  • Use Windows + E Hotkey
  • Reset File Explorer to Default
  • Change Settings of File Explorer
  • Create a new shortcut for File Explorer

Disable Cortana

Cortana is a personal virtual assistant Microsoft. Cortana has several useful features, but sometimes it processes slow your File Explorer. To fix this issue, follow the steps given below:

  1. Tap Windows + R key on your Keyboard to launch the Run command prompt.
  2. In the Run command-line, type “Regedit” and then tap on “OK.”
  3. Now “Registry Editor” launch, in the left pane move to the command “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREPoliciesMicrosoftWindowsWindows Search” If this key is not available, then you have to create it.
  4. Now right-tap on the “Windows button and then select “New” and hit “Key.”
  5. Now you need to write “Windows search” as the new name of the key.
  6. When you launch the “Windows search”, right-tap on the empty storage that appears on the right pane and then select “New” hit DWORD 32-bit value.
  7. Type “AllowCortana” as the name of DWORD and double-tap on “AllowCortana” DWORD, and then you need to se5t its data value “0.”
  8. Tap the “OK” button to save your change.
  9. Now close “Registry Editor” and restart your operating system and then check for improvement.

Checking Quick Access List

Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Launch the “File Explorer.”
  2. Find the problematic folder into the Quick access drop down menu in the left pane.
  3. Right-tap on the folder that you wish to delete and then select “Unpin from the Quick access.”
  4. After the above process, the issue with File Explorer will be resolved. Some users also mention that they remove entire items from Quick access to resolve the issue of File Explorer.

 Change Folder Optimization

Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Right-tap on the folder that is showing in the File Explorer and then selects “Properties” in the dropdown menu.
  2. Visit “Optimize this folder” for the General item, here you need to set value from the list to come back to “general items.’
  3. Click “Also apply this template for the entire subfolder.”
  4. Tap “Apply” and then hit “OK” to save your change.
  5. This issue occurs in several folders so you can fix this issue with this solution for every folder.

Use Windows + E Hotkey

  1. According to several users, you can fix this issue by using File Explorer shortcuts because this issue occurs when you launch it by tapping on the icon.
  2. Although, you can launch File Explorer by tapping Windows + E hotkey on your Keyboard.
  3. After this process, File Explorer will launch and work without any issue.

Reset File Explorer to Default

Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Tap Windows + S key to launch the start button and then, type “file explorer” on the search field to launch it.
  2. Now click on the “View” button and then tap on “Reset Folder” tab. Now a confirmation notification appears on your screen tap “Yes.”
  3. Tap on “Apply” and then tap “OK” to save your change.
  4. Now you need to check the issue resolved, if not you need to go through with another troubleshoot given below.

Change Settings of File Explorer

Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Launch the “File Explorer.”
  2. Right-tap on the “Quick Access” and then select “Options” in the dropdown menu.
  3. Now the folder options menu appears on your screen, now you need to change “file explorer” to This PC under the “General tab.”
  4. Now tap “Apply” and then hit “OK” to save your change.

Create a new shortcut for File Explorer

Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Right-tap on the blank space on your desktop and then select “New” and hit “Shortcut” in the dropdown menu.
  2. In the “Create shortcut” enter the command “C: Windowsexplorer.exe” in the location field.
  3. Alternatively, you can select browser option and find “explorer.exe” manually. Now you need to tap on ‘Next’ when the procedure completes.
  4. Here type your desired name for your shortcut and then tap on “Finish.”
  5. Now open the new created shortcut and right-tap on and then select “Properties” in the dropdown menu.
  6. Visit the “Shortcut” option.
  7. Find the target and add at the end of the field. After making the change, your target field looks as “C: Windowsexplorer.exe /n.”
  8. Now tap “Apply” and then tap “OK” to save your changes.

    Abigail Smith is an inventive person who has been doing intensive research in particular topics and writing blogs and articles on Blog-antivirus and many other related topics. He is a very knowledgeable person with lots of experience.
Abigail Smith
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