the Government will put off the discussion of draft Law (RUU) Bows Ideology of Pancasila (HIP). The energy of the Main Members of the Office Staff of the President (CPA) Donny Gahral Adian say, delay discussion overlain by various enter from a number of parties.
As for the viewing in the antranya from among societal organizations (ormas), scholars, to public figures. "I suppose all enter received and considered, until the Pak Jokowi postpone the discussion," said Donny when contacted katadata.co.id, Wednesday (17/6).
He noted, the most many give input to the government regarding the delay BILL HIP is ormas Islam. With enter from Ormas Islam and the other side, Donny hope fill BILL HIP could be more comprehensive. "So this BILL become more solid and perfect," said Donny.
this Article has been up on Katadata.co.id with the title "Tow of the Discussion of RUU HIP, the Castle was Able to Enter from Ormas Islam" , https://katadata.co.id/berita/2020/06/17/tunda-pembahasan-ruu-hip-istana-dapat-masukkan-dari-ormas-islam
Author: Dimas Jarot Breezes
Editor: Ekarina