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Top Schools in Gurgaon

GDGoenka SignatureSchool
Top Schools in Gurgaon

Education is one of the most important part of anyone's life. And making the core strong is the key to success. A child tends to implement those values which he learns in his childhood. And finding the correct school for the child is one of the most hectic and difficult job for parents. If you are searching for one of the top schools in gurgaon. Here is a school which might interest you. GD Goenka SignatureSchool is one of the top schools in gurgaon. It is located in the Sohna road Gurgaon.

Providing the best education is the topmost priority of the school. The teachers are experienced, well educated, and knowledge-based value providers. The school focuses on excellence not marks although they do make marks the priority and helps to score well. Regarding the infrastructure, the school has 20 acres of land with all the necessary facilities, the reason the school has this type of infrastructure is that it is a boarding school too. Students come around all over India to study here. The school focus on 21-century skills like communication skills, creativity, critical thinking, collaboration skills. This brings more confidence in students as they have to face the real world after schooling and these skills will definitely help them.

The school has one of the largest sports complexes as it sprawls around 60,000sq, ft. Providing knowledge is not the only duty of a school has but to find the real talent within a child which could help the child to follow his passion comes in those duties too.

Great infrastructure, professional teachers, necessary facilities, and many more things make this school as one of the top schools in gurgaon.

To know more about the GD Goenka Signature School visit to –


GD Goenka Signature School Opp.
GD Goenka University Sohna Road
Contact no- 9810910000
[email protected], [email protected]

GDGoenka SignatureSchool
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