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Top 7 Cross-App Framework for 2020

sam s
Top 7 Cross-App Framework for 2020

Surviving in the Darwinian Digital Age is directly correlated with satiating the perpetual and ever-changing needs of the customers. 

And to register these ever-changing needs of the consumers, your business needs to be present, and active on the device ubiquitous to modern-day society-Smartphones

Mobile app downloads are soaring through the roofs, with Statista suggesting the estimated downloads to top 204 Billion in 2019.


You can create a native mobile app for the two prominent platforms- Google Play Store and App Store, but that could bring up issues in budgeting. 

The better alternative? 

Leverage a cross-platform app development framework to create hybrid apps compatible with not one but all the major OS’ used by your customers. 

Offering innumerable benefits, cross-platform app development frameworks is pervasive across businesses operating in the Digital sphere. 

But before we barge right into the best cross-platform frameworks for 2020, let’s establish a clear understanding of some fundamentals regarding mobile app development

Why are businesses investing in Mobile Apps?

Let’s try to understand the increasing demand for mobile apps by highlighting some real numbers. 

As of April 2020, there are 4.2 unique mobile Internet users in the world. Just let that number sink in. 

To read more about the Top Cross-Platform App Development Frameworks visit here.

sam s
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