Buying an Indian art may seem simple until you are duped into buying a fake and wasting your hard earned cash on an imitation. Whether it is your first time buying a piece of art or you are a regular buyer, it is imperative to never lower your guard, because, with a blink of an eye, you can buy the wrong thing.
Allow me to point out that there are lots of scammers taking advantage of people's love for art and are out to swindle anyone who is not willing to take their time and buy art the correct way. To help you out, here are great tips worth considering before you buy an indian painting.
Buy from a recognized gallery or dealer
You are free to get your piece of art from whichever places you want, but for a great experience, it is highly recommended that you consider getting your painting from a recognized gallery or dealer. This is because the galleries and dealers work closely with professional artists and so you are not just guaranteed of the quality of the work, but also you will be assured that what you will be buying will be an original piece. While considering the galleries and the dealers, don’t just go with the first that comes up when you search online. Take time and research them to determine if indeed they are the right guys. Remember, there are also dirty dealers whose business is to sell fake pieces of art.
Research the painting you want to buy
If you want a simple painting you saw on the street and which you think will make your living room look great, then you can just go ahead and purchase it straight away. However, if you are interested in an expensive piece of contemporary art painting , then you must take your time to research it before you spend your money on it. For the very expensive pieces, request for the appropriate provenance documentation and a certificate of authenticity signed by the artist. It is through research and due diligence that you will avoid getting scammed and throwing your money down the drain.
Know what you want
Before you set out to buy an Indian Art, you should have an idea of exactly what you want. This begins by understanding the kind of art you want, the galleries that have those particular pieces, and also why you need the large wall paintings. You could be a one-time buyer interested in a particular classic piece of painting, or you could be a budding collector who wants to have their own collection. By knowing what you want, you will know which galleries to visit so that you don’t spend a lot of time jumping from one gallery to another without finding what you are looking for.
Have a budget
Indian art varies greatly when it comes to pricing. It is important that you have a specific budget in mind, and be prepared to stick to that budget as you weigh your options. Your budget will also inform the kinds of galleries you can visit since some are known to be exceedingly expensive, and it would be a waste of time to visit them when their price range is not within your budget. Additionally, having a budget will keep you on toes so that you don’t buy paintings you never intended to buy.
Don’t be in a hurry to make the purchase
When buying contemporary art painting, you should never be in a hurry to rush the purchase. This is how very many people have ended up buying painting online they never wanted or were duped by unscrupulous galleries. Be careful to resist the high selling techniques by some of the salespersons you will meet at the galleries or any other person who might be advising you to go ahead with the purchase. Take your time, do your due diligence, and be convinced from your heart that whatever you are buying is exactly what you want.
Visit our website to discover more about Indian Paintings. If you are an art admirer with interest in Original hand painted artwork, IndianArtZone has something unique to offer for everyone!