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Use These Easy Methods to Download a Video from YouTube

Jackson henry
Use These Easy Methods to Download a Video from YouTube

YouTube is the largest on-demand video streaming service in the world where more than 30 million visitors watch 5 billion videos every day. If you are a frequent visitor on YouTube, you must have experienced that there are times when you want to save those videos to watch later. YouTube application on your phone allows you to download specific videos but not all of them. In this article, we are going to tell you, how you can download all the public videos from YouTube in different formats like MP4, MPEG, AVI, and more. It is easy and legal to download videos from YouTube using those third-party tools which have permissions and abide by market law. It is easy to download YouTube videos. Let’s go through some of the simpler ways. 

Downloading a YouTube Video Using a Video Downloading Tool

YouTube Downloader is the fastest and easiest way of downloading a YouTube video. First of all, you have to choose a downloading tool or converter. You have to choose between a browser-based tool and a downloadable tool, according to the compatibility of your system. You can easily find many free tools on the internet and also some paid ones with additional exclusive features. It is better if you can find a tool that offers high-quality downloads, multiple file formats, subtitles, and also bulk downloading. 

After choosing a suitable tool, your first step is to find that video on YouTube which you want to download. You will need to open the video and copy the link URL of that video. Now, if you are using a browser-based online tool, open the tool in a new tab on the same window of the browser, and paste the video link URL in the text box it displays. You will get the same text box option if you are using a downloadable tool once you open the tool. After pasting the video link URL in the textbox, you will get lots of choices of downloading the video in different file formats and sizes. Once you click on your preferred format, the video will start downloading, and when completed, you can find this video among downloaded files available on your phone and computer and watch anytime.

Download Videos Directly from YouTube  

If you don’t want to use any tool to download videos from YouTube, there is another simpler way which helps you to download videos directly from YouTube. All you have to do is to open YouTube on your browser and open the video you want to download and add “ss” in the video URL, after “www.” and before “youtube.com”. You need to hit the Enter button keeping “ss” in the URL and it will redirect you to a website like “savefrom.net”. Once redirected, you will find that the video URL is already there in the textbox and all you need is to click on your preferred format and start downloading. Once finished, you can find the video among your downloaded files. 

These are some easy methods that will surely help you to download any public video from YouTube easily in the desired format.  

Jackson Henry. I’m a writer living in USA. I am a fan of technology, arts, and reading. I’m also interested in writing and education. You can read my blog with a click on the button above.

Source-Easy Methods to Download a Video from YouTube

Jackson henry
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