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Powerful Cryptocurrency Exchange Script

zaara hary
Powerful Cryptocurrency Exchange Script
One of the top most and very busiest area of bitcoin network is trading platforms. So why not you choose this as your business model?
To simplify all your business needs, Bitdeal is now providing a cryptocurrency exchange script for you to build an advanced peer to peer bitcoin exchange website!
And more than that you can enhance your trading platform by integrating our bitcoin wallet services, margin trading & lending, and ICO services.
Some of the features of Bitdeal’s Cryptocurrency Exchange Script are as follows :
1. Internal Chat System
2. Live Exchange Rate Updates
3. Affiliate Program Integrated
4. Seperate Wallet
5. Detailed Transaction History
6. Live Exchange Rate Of Pairs
7. Simple Registration
8. KYC Settings
9. Multiple Currencies With Logo
10. API keys for Users and more
Get a best cryptocurrency exchange script from Bitdeal with high-end security codes that can never be hacked. Our experts are skilled that they can develop and deploy error-free script with which you can launch your own cryptocurrency exchange platform anytime !
Get a free demo for cryptocurrency exchange script now !
Whatsapp : +91 9677555651
zaara hary
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