This recruitment policy template outlines the process for hiring employees and ensures that we are committed to equal employment opportunity. It outlines the hiring process and promotes consistency when we recruit.

This attendance and absenteeism policy template outlines how absences, late arrivals and leaving early from work are handled by staff and managers in the workplace.

Today, each business organization realizes the importance of an efficient workforce for a productive environment to achieve the desired organizational goals.
It is hardly possible without an effective HR department.
Human Resource in an organization make efforts for inspiring the employees to work at their best potential and maximize the company’s profits.
Employees are the assets of a company and HR professionals have their aim to get the maximum output from them to meet with the organizational goals.
Jobs in HR & recruitment keeps so much importance for the candidates willing to serve different individual needs.

Procure HR is a leading professional HR recruitment service company in Bangalore.
We provide IT recruitment, recruitment solutions, recruitment consultancy & employment services across various industries.

HR advisors are mostly opted by small to medium-sized businesses that cannot afford an in-house HR department.
However, they are more than a replacement for a human resource team.
Whether a start-up, a growing business, or a well-established name, HR advisory services can bring some novelty to manpower management.
Here are a few reasons why you should associate with an HR advisory company: For start-ups and Small Businesses An HR advisor will offer you the knowledge and expertise in people management skills.
An HR advisor will help you create such a place.
A company offering HR advisory services will take care of all your legal requirements and find ways to evade such situations.