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Annual Boiler Service from qualified Gas Engineer.

mark Johnson
Annual Boiler Service from qualified Gas Engineer.

Extend the life of your boiler with our Boiler service London. The annual boiler servicing is very important because that could extend the life of the boiler. Also, the engineer could find the parts that are going to get faulty. So you will not be badly surprised.

During the annual boiler service, our Gas engineer will do a visual inspection of the boiler inside and outside also boiler flue termination. Boiler service London also includes flue flow test, gas tightness test, working pressure check also cleaning of the trap, and any necessary parts which need to be cleaned.

The boiler service also includes. Flue test of the gases and also we will check the return air to make sure the flue has no internal damages and keep the property safe.

Our engineer will follow the manufacturer procedure for boiler servicing also the gas safe regulations.

Please contact us here or use the contact form right side of this page and book our engineer to do annual boiler service.

mark Johnson
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