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1daywall - NYC Temporary walls

Rayan Smith
1daywall - NYC Temporary walls

NYC Temporary Walls is an innovative temporary wall company that specializes in installation of temporary walls to maximize living and office spaces. We install freestanding bookcase, wardrobes, walls and partitions without using nails, screws or other fasteners that can potential damage floors, walls and ceilings.
Our temporary wall partitions act as pieces of furniture allowing you to create an additional room which turn out as an innovative solution approved and appreciated by landlords widely in New York. Our services are ideal for lofty spaces, galleries, offices, homes and public displays.Our temporary wall company NYC delivers solutions that can transform partitions into functional and attractive storage areas tailored to your individual needs. We give you many different options to choose from -ranging from colours, style, finish, materials, sizes, doors, shelves and/or rods. For Any Query,

To know more click here : http://nyctemporarywalls.com/

Call Us At 212-470-4868

Rayan Smith
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