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Five Best Media Players for Windows 10

alex mercy
Five Best Media Players for Windows 10

Windows 10 is one of the most stable and secure operating systems, which is quick and easy to use. Despite amazing features, Windows 10 falls short when it comes to media players. The media player offered by Microsoft in Windows 10 does not support various media formats and file types.

In this article, we will mention some of the best media players that you can use on your Windows 10:

VLC Media Player

VLC Media Player is one of the most preferred free media players for Windows. VLC Media Player is compatible with each version of Windows, and it supports almost every file type, codecs, and video formats. VLC Media player is an open-source video player that offers some other media features like recording using your PC’s webcam, audio playlists, and converting the video file types.


5KPlayer comes with downloading and mirroring capabilities, and the program comes with an in-built hardware accelerator that enables you to render 8K videos. Some of the key features of 5KPlayer include wireless streaming via AirPlay and DLNA. It can play lossless FLAC audio among other file formats. You can also download videos from YouTube and other streaming services. 5KPlayer receives continuous updates which enable it to play 8K and 360 videos.

Media Player Classic

After VLC Media Player, Media Player Classic is the most frequently used media player on Windows 10. Media Player Classic is a very light-weight and open-source media player that can play video and audio files on Windows 10.  It is equipped with all codecs it needs to play any video.


MPV offers the smoothest interface among all media players mentioned on this list. MPV is a multi-media app that enables you to play videos in various formats. MPV does not offer any play buttons, control panel, volume control, taskbars, or the control panel on the screen. It enables you to see the video just the way it is and gives you a feel like you are watching the video on TV or cinema. All the features are hidden by default, and you can see those features once you move the cursor.


PotPlayer offers you a lot of menus and incredible customization options like turning your PC into your TV. PotPlayer is a free media player that enables you to play multiple video formats. It also allows you to optimize video formats as per the output device. You can also make changes in the video with various filters and effects. PotPlayer also offers hardware acceleration features that work best when you have a high-quality graphics card in your system. PotPlayer is a very light-weight program and offers cool features that can improve your media experience with Windows 10.


With a suitable media player, you won’t have to download additional codecs and plugins to watch movies and videos. Microsoft does not offer high-quality media players in Windows 10, but with the help of media players as mentioned above, you can surely enhance your media experience with Windows 10.

Emily Watson is an inventive person who has been doing intensive research in particular topics and writing blogs and articles on webroot.com/safe and many other related topics. She is a very knowledgeable person with lots of experience





SOURCE: Five Best Media Players for Windows 10


alex mercy
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