AI Products 

Jal The Pool villa | Tarangi Resort

Bhuwan joshi
Jal The Pool villa | Tarangi Resort

The Pool villa at Tarangi Resort & Spa has been designed to exceed your expectations in terms of comfort & conveniences. It could either provide the perfect hideaway for romantic escapes or families looking out for a fabulous vacation together. Villa is 1040 sq. ft. in size.
The finest in entertainment that comes with state-of-the-art television system and the best cable channels will ensure a lazy afternoon is well-spent curled up with your favourite movie. The private sit-out areas face the Sitabani forest and Kosi River. Relax and unwind in our private river bank and lawn where night connects man with drinks, peace, fun and wilderness.
Read More: https://tarangiresort.com/room/jal-the-pool-villa/

Bhuwan joshi
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