Are you looking for a Doctor booking app similar to Practo? Find the list of top Practo Clones. Choose the best which suits your requirements.

Why? TBH, even today, after such technological advancements, healthcare systems keep patients and doctors from connecting. Let’s take the U.S. for example.
Though health spendings for the United States, alone accounts for about one-fifth of their GDP, they’re still struggling to provide quality healthcare services.
It really seems healthcare is becoming one of those few industries where people are paying huge money for relatively poor service. But how can this be? Well, the possible reasons behind this backlog are:
- It’s often difficult for the mass to get through the right doctors
- For a lot of cases, preventive care is missing in lack of proper guidance
- There are insurance cost, bureaucracy and other complexities involved in health treatments. Read on to know the steps involved.

Everything is possible online nowadays, so why can't a doctor be online?
Although in this pandemic, it is good to come in less contact with others so that the disease spread will get lower, so it is a good idea for a doctor to develop a doctor appointment app for his facility.Nevina Infotech can help you develop an online doctor appointment app that will facilitate both doctors and patients.For more details, click here:https://www.nevinainfotech.com/blog/cost-for-developing-an-doctor-appointment-booking-app/

Launch your own On Demand Health Care App for medical services. This app combines different services like medicine delivery, blood bank store, doctor, nurse, ambulance, vet and more. For more info visit here: https://www.v3cube.com/medical-app/

MeetClinics is a Turkish health-care platform that is built to make access to the best possible medical care in Turkey easy and time-efficient.
MeetClinics provides patients with an opportunity to search for the best medical facility, doctors, and treatment.https://meetclinics.com/