AI Products 

Mystic Mint Tinctures

renuka peshwani

Our CBD Oil Tinctures are formulated to give you results quickly and easily. Each drop contains our THC-free phytocannabinoid-rich hemp oil. Simple and safe, take day or night for your ideal serving of CBD. All tincture bottles are 1oz (30ml). Our tinctures do not contain alcohol. Leaf Haven tinctures are a simple introduction to the world of CBD — you simply select your favorite flavor and take by mouth as desired. As with all of our high-quality products, we extract any trace amounts of THC from our tinctures before we sell them to you. This means you can enjoy all of the benefits of CBD without worrying about feeling a THC-induced high as a side effect. Our third-party lab tests ensure that there is no detectable level of THC in our tinctures.


Mystic Mint Tinctures

renuka peshwani
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