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How To Troubleshoot Epson Scan Not Working Windows 10 Problem?

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How To Troubleshoot Epson Scan Not Working Windows 10 Problem?

After you install the Windows 10 upgrade on your device, you may find that Epson Scanner is no longer working. Well! In such a situation, you need to stay calm and follow some simple steps that can help you to troubleshoot the Epson scan not working Windows 10 problem on your device. In this post, we are going to share the simple step by step instructions that can help to resolve the scanner not functioning problem on your device. So, proceed further and follow the simple guidelines to complete the task.

Epson scan not working Windows 10: Troubleshooting Guidelines To Follow

Verify Epson Scan Is Not Set To Compatibility Mode

Your Epson Scanner may set to the compatibility mode once you upgrade your Windows device. Thus, the first thing you need to do is to verify your scanner and make sure that it is not set to the compatibility mode. Here are the step-by-step guidelines you can follow to do this:

First of all, you need to right-click on the Epson scanner icon on your PC, go to the Properties section.

After this, you need to go to the compatibility tab. Here, you need to see if the checkbox present next to the ‘ run this program in compatibility mode for’ is checked, you need to uncheck it. Hit the Ok button.

Press the ‘Windows + R’ key using the keyboard together to open the run box.

In the run box, type ‘services.msc’ and hit the Ok button. This will open the services window.
Now you have to right click on ‘ Windows Image acquisition’ and after that click on the ‘ properties’ option.
You need to check and make sure that your ‘startup type’ has been set to the ‘automatic’. Also, the ‘Services Status to Running’ and click on the Apply>> Ok button.
Check if the scanner works.

Hopefully, with the help of the aforementioned guidelines, you would be able to fix the ‘Epson scan not working Windows 10’ on your device. In case the problem still exists, you need to upgrade the scanner drivers. Sometimes the outdated drivers are also the reason that customers are unable to use scanning services on their Epson printing device. So, update the scanner.

There are two ways to update the scanner drivers:

You can either visit the Epson official website and download the appropriate scanner software and driver for your device or you can use the scanner update tool like Driver Easy to get the task done. This tool will find the required drivers automatically and install it on your device. If you do not have the patience, time, or enough skills to update the drivers manually, you need to use the river Easy tool to update them automatically.

We hope that these simple guidelines will help you to fix the Epson scan not working Windows 10 on your device. All the mentioned steps are simple and easy to follow. However, if you still have a doubt or there is any other query hampering your experience, contact the experts and get instant advice to find the most reliable solution to your problem. Experts are available 24/7, so you can contact them anytime you want.

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