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How to customize Apple Watch face colors and styles

Alice John
How to customize Apple Watch face colors and styles

When it comes to customization and styles in terms of gadgets, Apple devices are the first thing that comes to our mind. The company has done a great job of designing its products and services, and that is evident. These devices have always provided their users with the best experience by offering them a lot of customization options. Because of the features that this company provides to its users, more and more people prefer to use Apple devices. Apple smartwatches are also one of the best wearable devices of this big brand used by millions of people all over the world. With this trendy smartwatch, you can do whatever you usually do with a smartphone, like receiving and making phone calls, sending and receiving text messages and emails, and you can even listen to music. And along with this, you can also change the style and color of your Apple smartwatch face.




Do you also own an Apple Watch? Want to know how you can be able to customize the style and color of your Apple Watch face? Well, if yes, then you are on the right track now. Here, in the following article, we are going to get you the ways to do so. This report will provide you with the methods through which you will be able to customize your Apple Watch face colors and styles. So, to get the techniques, all you have to do is to read this complete article.

All About Customising the Colours and Styles of Apple Watch Face

On an Apple Watch, the users can get a great variety of different watch faces that fits their mood. And not only this, but you can even set any colors on your Apple Watch face that match your outfit. Isn’t it great? If you are a new user of this device, then you will find this option amazing. Whenever Apple launches its latest version of watchOS, it comes with different new faces. So, if you are tired of your current watch face on your Apple Watch, you can customize it easily and quickly. And for that, we have mentioned the complete procedure in this article. There are two methods of customizing your Apple Watch face. You can do it on your watch itself, or you can also use your iPhone. And here, we have mentioned both ways.

So, now, let’s not waste any more time and get to the steps. Here’s how you can customize your Apple smartwatch face.

Customizing Apple Smartwatch Face Colours and Styles from the Watch Itself

You can quickly customize your Apple smartwatch face from the Apple Watch itself. Here’s what you need to do:

  • Firstly, you will have to navigate to the watch face on your Apple Watch by pressing the “Digital Crown”.
  • After this, press and hold the watch face to bring up the customization mode.
  • And now, swipe left or right through your watch screen and tap on the watch face to customize.
  • Now, go through the option of “Edit”.
  • And then, you will need to swipe to the right side to reach the “Style Change” screen.
  • Next, change the watch face style by rotating the “Digital Crown”. Here, you will find different styles for different faces.
  • And to get to the “Colour Change” Screen, swipe to the left side through your smartwatch screen. Add the changes as per your preferences.
  • And after you are done, you can now exit the customization mode by pressing the “Digital Crown”.
  • Now, tap on the Apple Watch screen to see the changes.

The Procedure to Customise the Apple Watch Face Using iPhone

You might find it convenient to customize your smartwatch face colors and styles right from your Apple Watch. But you can also do it using your iPhone. Here’s what you need to do according to this method:

  • According to this method, open the Watch app on your iPhone.
  • And now, go to the “My Watch” tab.
  • Go to the “My Faces” section and choose and tap on a watch face.
  • On the next screen, pick a color to set on your Apple Watch face. If you don’t see the color option that means your watch doesn’t have the color change support.
  • After this, tap on the “Style” to set a new look on your Apple Watch. And that’s all. And now, the color and style will get changed automatically on your Apple Watch.

Isn’t this the most comfortable and easiest way to give a new look to your Apple Watch face? By following the steps mentioned above, you will be able to complete the task shortly. And with this, I hope you will like this article. To get more information like this, you can check out our website.

Source : https://themartwiki.com/blog/how-to-customize-apple-watch-face-colors-and-styles/

Alice John
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