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Apple update fixes iOS 14 issue

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Apple update fixes iOS 14 issue

Important to know-

  • Previously Apple iOS 14 has issues with browser apps.
  • The Apple update has recently launched.
  • This update has fixed two issues with the browser app and default mail apps.  


One of the pleasant new features of iOS 14 was the capacity to set your own default mail and browser applications. But, users who gave this a shot were finding that, after they restarted their device, the default would reset to Safari or Mail. Today, Apple has dealt with that with its first updates for the iPad and iPhone, bringing them up to 14.0.1. The Apple Watch will additionally refresh to 7.0.1.

Presently, when you set your favored browser defaults to Google Chrome, Firefox, or Microsoft Edge, or your mail defaults to Outlook, Gmail, or Spark, they should remain as such, even after a restart.

As per 9to5Mac, different fixes in the delivery notes, include issues that could keep camera sneak previews from showing on iPhone 7 Plus and iPhone 7, keep iPhones from associating by means of Wi-Fi, and could shield pictures from showing up in the News gadget, among others.

In case your mobile phone has not told you about the update yet, you can discover it by following the below steps;

  • Open your apple device and tap on settings.
  • Go to the General tab.
  • Tap on the Software Update tab.

You can also discover postings of Apple's security reports on its help site.


source: https://www.taudownloadme.com/blog/post/145563/apple-update-fixes-ios-14-issue

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