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Exam Info: This exam measures your ability to accomplish the following technical tasks: plan and configure a Microsoft Teams environment; manage chat, calling, and meetings; and manage Teams and app policies.

Duration 40 Hours | Fee 10K+GST 18% Best Seller Bangalore and Noida Campus MS AZURE Training (MS-AZ103) Course Fee$350 Course Duration 40 HoursCourse Mode Classroom Online OverviewCurriculumGallerySchedule This course will teach you how to manage your Azure subscriptions, create and scale virtual machines, implement storage solutions, configure virtual networking, back up and share data, connect Azure and on-premises sites, manage network traffic, implement Azure Active Directory, secure identities, and monitor your solution.It help prepare you for the AZ-103: Microsoft Azure Administrator exam.
Detailed Syllabus Covered Module 1: Azure AdministrationIn this module, you’ll learn about the tools Azure Administrators use to manage their infrastructure.
This includes the Azure Portal, Cloud Shell, Azure PowerShell, CLI, Resource Manager, and Resource Manager Templates.
The demonstrations in this module will ensure you are successful in the course labs.LessonsAzure Portal and Cloud ShellAzure PowerShell and CLIResource ManagerARM TemplatesModule 2: Azure Virtual MachinesIn this module, you’ll learn about Azure virtual machines including planning, creating, availability and extensions.LessonsVirtual Machine PlanningCreating Virtual MachinesVirtual Machine AvailabilityVirtual Machine ExtensionsModule 3: Azure StorageIn this module, you’ll learn about basic storage features including storage accounts, blob storage, Azure files, and storage security.LessonsStorage AccountsAzure BlobsAzure FilesStorage Security Module 4: Virtual NetworkingIn this module, you’ll learn about basic virtual networking concepts like virtual networks, IP addressing, Azure DNS, and network security groups.LessonsVirtual NetworksIP Addressing and EndpointsAzure DNSNetwork Security GroupsModule 5: Intersite ConnectivityIn this module, you’ll learn about intersite connectivity features including VNet Peering, VNet-to-VNet connections, Site-to-Site Connections, and ExpressRouteVNet PeeringVNet-to-VNet ConnectionsExpressRoute ConnectionsModule 6: MonitoringIn this module, you’ll learn about monitoring your Azure infrastructure including Azure Monitor, alerting, log analytics, and Network Watcher.LessonsAzure MonitorAzure AlertsLog AnalyticsNetwork WatcherModule 7: Data ProtectionIn this module, you’ll learn about data replication strategies, backing up files and folders, and virtual machine backups.LessonsData ReplicationFile and Folder BackupsVirtual Machine BackupsModule 8: Network Traffic ManagementIn this module, you’ll learn about network traffic strategies including service endpoints, network routing, Azure Load Balancer, and Azure Traffic Manager.LessonsNetwork RoutingAzure Load BalancerAzure Traffic ManagerModule 9: Azure Active DirectoryIn this module, you’ll learn about Microsoft Azure Active Directory (AD) including Azure AD Connect and Azure AD Join.LessonsAzure Active DirectoryAzure AD ConnectAzure AD JoinModule 10: Securing IdentitiesIn this module, you’ll learn how to secure identities including Multi-Factor Authentication, Azure AD Identity Protection, and Self-Service Password ResetLessonsMulti-Factor AuthenticationAzure AD Identity ProtectionSelf-Service Password ResetModule 11: Governance and ComplianceIn this module, you’ll learn about managing your subscriptions and accounts including role-based access control, users and groups, and Microsoft Azure policy.LessonsSubscriptions and AccountsRole-Based Access Control (RBAC)Users and GroupsAzure PolicyModule 12: Data ServicesIn this module, you’ll learn how to effectively share data using Import and Export service, Data Box, Content Delivery Network, and File Sync.LessonsContent Delivery NetworkFile SyncImport and Export ServiceData Box

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